I just thought I'd post a little bit of life from the past couple weeks, especially for my longtime readers. ;) Don't worry, I'll pepper these posts in from time to time! Read on for some summer fun....
Here are my little porcelain cat friends and (resuscitated!) orchid on a sunny evening. A. got me those cats; they're two of a bunch of cats in different poses. They're supposed to be chopstick rests but they live in various nooks and corners all over the house. :)

This is a blueberry harvest from our yard! C. artfully placed that lavender sprig with them. I'm definitely adding more blueberry bushes in the fall.
Here's mister oldie-paws napping!
This is my compost tea in progress! I tried reviving my tomatoes with it, but I only got one application on before we went camping. I need to make more!
We got a half-share CSA this year, and it's A LOT of greens! I like having veggies appear each week, but I must ask: how many radishes does a person really need? For me, the answer is very very close to zero. But they keep giving us more.... ugh.
We went to the beach on July 3rd and saw both the supermoon (on the left) and fireworks (right)! For some inane reason, people around here do fireworks shows on what I can only call "July 4th's Eve". Never in my life have I experienced this anywhere else. People, it's not the 4th! What the heck. On the actual 4th, people also set off fireworks and we did a few sparklers and set off one big display thingie. We've done more in the past but just weren't feeling it this year.
Finally, my yard is filling in just how I pictured it! Now, to expand this to other beds . . .
Fun fact: chocolate chunks are a tasty salad topper!
Happy sunny summer!
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