July 16, 2023

Quilt Progress 2: Moda Blockheads 4! Marimekko has left the building.

I'm still working on this quilt, and today I finished the quilt back! It's pieced, like the front, just not as complicated. :) As you can see, I did decide to toss that section of Marimekko(-esque? I got it secondhand) knit fabric, in favor of a different print. Two prints, actually!

Amusingly, the floor of my art studio is barely big enough to lay out this quilt!

I like the replacement print I chose a lot better; it's balanced with the other colors instead of standing out so much. Plus, it's not a knit! Ha ha, I don't mind mixing materials but in this already patchworky back, I'm glad I found wovens that keep it consistent.

I had two half-yards from Pat Bravo's "Carnaby Street", one in grayish and one in the light green. The print is BIG as you can see, so I had held onto it a long time since I hadn't found the right use for it! I was happy to add it to this quilt. I like how the green looks like a lacy part of the grayish print at the top, especially from a distance.

Next I need to lay out batting and quilt it -- and make that bias tape for the binding -- but I need to order batting! So this quilt gets another mini-pause. ;)

Can I just add, I'm proud of myself for making really good measurements on this backing? I didn't have any of my old "ugh, it's too short!!" miscalculation moments. I watched it perfectly align (more or less) with all the right lengths coming together! Yay!!

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